Merci !

Thank you! Un grand grand merci à toutes (et tous!) d’être passés sur mon tout [...]

Vous faites quoi le week-end du 8 mai?

Week-end knitting tour in Iceland Moi je vais en Islande: vous venez avec moi? C’est [...]

J-2: Cécile

KIT Cécile: patron imprimé et laine, en exclusivité à l’Aiguille en fête Au fil du [...]

The Icelandic Knitter in KNIT magazine, issue 46

Tricoteuse d’Islande dans le magazine KNIT, numéro 46 The special Nordic issue of the latest [...]

A bientôt à l’AEF!

See you soon! made the decision and chose: Cilou, Tricotine, Alice who will come on Thursday [...]

Aiguille en fête: invitations à gagner!

Comme vous le savez je participe à l’Aiguille en fête du 9 au 12 février: [...]

In Piece Work Magazine

It’s always with a lot of excitement that I await for the special Knitting traditions [...]

Will freeze for knitting !

Prête à geler pour du tricot ! A big project is taking an end… a [...]

Hélène Magnússon in The Knitter

Hélène Magnússon dans The Knitter (…) This issue we have 13 fab patterns for you [...]

Pins to follow…

Epingles à suivre… The magic of knitted lace that reveals itself once it has been [...]

The Icelandic Knitter in Vogue Knitting

Tricoteuse d’Islande dans Vogue Knitting Ending the year on a positive note with a nice [...]


It is with a lovely watercolor by Anne that I wish you all a very [...]

The ends

Working on a big project… that looks much more terrifying that it is really… Believe [...]


Back in time, a little sneak peek at my assistants during the photoshoot of the Winter collection, [...]


Purl Peterborough is a web-based newsletter created by Cindi Brumpton, to celebrate the diversity and depth [...]

Black doll festival

Festival de la poupée noire A very beautiful event in images… I don’t show you [...]

Til að fagna…

Vetrar tölublaðið er komið út! Einhver ykkar hafa kannski skoðað það á ensku eða frönsku, en [...]


Getting ready       Olivia se prépare pour son voyage à Paris où elle [...]

Fréttablaðið 26.11.2011

There was a nice interview with me in the Icelandic paper Fréttablaðið last Saturday about the book Knitting [...]

Knit Spirit

The Icelandic shawl in Cathare land seems to be Knit Spirit ‘s readers favorite pattern. This is at least [...]

Love Story

“Love Story, the soft Icelandic semi-crafted fine lace yarn, is back in stock”. This is [...]

Scarves, Love Story, and a giveaway

Echarpes, Love Story et petit jeu Winter time often goes together with flue, coughs, cold [...]

Knitting around the world

Le tricot autour du monde Knitting around the world is the name of the last [...]

Knitting magic in iceland

Magie du tricot en Islande Some pictures of our awesome knitting tour in the magical Icelandic [...]

Lopi party!

Fête lopi! With knit designers, Bergrós (the designer of the Spring dress) and Guðrún As [...]

Carnet de voyage

Lauf Vous vous souvenez des magnifiques crayonné de Charline qui servaient de toile de fond [...]

Facile de tricoter au Nord de l’Islande!

Ce qu’il y a de bien avec les voyages de tricot, c’est lorsque des super [...]

Die Zeit

Last week, I was really happy to read the nice article Elke wrote in Die [...]


Très tôt le matin. Early in the morning before the opening. Rhinebeck was quite overwhelming. [...]


MDR à lire tous vos commentaires: merci de vous prêter au jeu et de prendre [...]

Giveaway # 2: wouaf, wouaf!

Petit jeu # 2: ouaf, ouaf! Before we play again, the winners of last week [...]

Giveaway # 1: they are mine!

Petit jeu # 1: elles sont à moi! I will be going to Rhinebeck next [...]

The Indian summer is over!

L’été indien est fini! The Indian Summer is over, it’s cold again and I hope [...]

Knitting tour 2012, Iceland: all the tours!

Le programme des voyages de tricot en Islande 2012 Knitting in the North of Iceland [...]

New Icelandic Knitting manual?

Un nouveau manuel de tricot islandais ? Not at all, it’s the last manual from Icelandic [...]

In Iceland National TV News

Dans le JT islandais The Hiking and Knitting tour between Fire and Ice tour was [...]

Bon voyage Theodora: blog collectif!

Bon voyage Theodora: team blog! Sur les blogs on trouve déjà beaucoup d’adorables petites Theodora et [...]

It’s not Christmas, isn’t it?

Ce n’est pas Noël, n’est-ce pas? But it was Christmas last december when I had [...]

Knitting a sweater while walking over a mountain pass?

Tricoter un pull en passant un col de montagne? The other day, there was a [...]

Hiking and Knitting tour in the news in Iceland

Le Tricot-treck dans les nouvelles en Islande A   Hiking and Knitting tour is something that [...]