Papa Mouche

Maman Mouche found a husband! Apparently there was a big wedding but I was not [...]

Skúli crochets

Skúli doesn´t know I took a picture of him playing with a piece of string. [...]

Knit with Thea (2)

Thea has been knitting a cache-nez for her friend Salomé´s mother. A cache-nez is a [...]

La Mouche´s birthday

We celebrated La Mouche´s fourth birthday the other day. From all the soft toys the [...]

Knit with Thea (1)

What is Thea (5 and a half years old) knitting?

The palace of illusions

A living sculpture, The Gold, is crocheting threads of knowledge out of its head. One [...]

I Knit… do you?

Craig and Gerard, the owners of the terrific I Knit London yarn shop (the only [...]

Belgrade Cultural Front

I was invited to present my work in the Nordic summer / Art and music [...]


We were having dinner at some friends when Hulda´s mother dropped by with this fuzy [...]

Take a breath!

Back to Luxembourg, I took a big breath at Mudam Art Museum with Géraldine Goddat. [...]

Still in Iceland

Still in Iceland, I took a serie of pictures at Jóhanna´s place. She´s the sweetest [...]

Pictures from my exhibition

Here are a few pictures from the exhibition at Art and Crafts. You can also [...]


Back to town, I had the opening of my exhibition at Art and crafts. I [...]

Jeep mishap…

On our way to Mount Hekla for another skying trip, we had a jeep mishap [...]

Back to sea level

Back to sea level late in the evening ! I picked up my needles the [...]

The boys playground

This is the boys playground, on the largest glacier in Europe and I got to [...]

A trip to Iceland…and errata

I´m flying to Iceland tomorrow and going mountain skying. Plus the next week I will [...]

Crocheted beanstalk

The other day, I went to the Mudam museum (Musée d´art moderne Grand-Duc Jean) with [...]

One has to get started…

Design*Sponge has a new monthly column presenting designers from all around the world. First regional [...]