Postcards from our Spring knitting holiday: lambs, kids and lopi!

Cartes postales de notre voyage de tricot de printemps au milieu des agneaux! Casanova ..stole [...]

Copenhagen-Nantes-Paris…and the flu!

Copenhague-Nantes-Paris…et la grippe! A big thank you to the numerous people who “brave” the incredibly [...]

Nordatlantens Brygge

Soon in Copenhageun Bientôt à Copenhague

Green like…

Vert comme… … les laines de Renaissance Dyeing … Renaissance Dyeing yarns … la cuisine du Musée [...]

The naked sheep

Le mouton tout nu Spring is at the corner and it’s sheering time again: look [...]

Icelandic handknits blog tour

Icelandic handknits: tour des blogs Today is the official release of my new book, Icelandic [...]

Can’t stay in place!

J’ai la bougeotte! View from studio / vue de mon studio I’m moving! My design [...]

Design March: Icelandic Wool Symposium

Design March: Colloque sur la laine islandaise This week in Iceland is all about Design [...]

A week-end in Iceland: National Costumes

Un week-end en Islande: Costumes nationaux At the occasion of the 100 years old anniversary [...]

Un grand merci

A huge thank you Retour de salon “un peu” enrhumée d’où mon silence mais je [...]

Aiguille en fête: J-1

Fin prête pour le grand jour demain. Souvenez-vous, vous me trouverez sur un stand dans [...]

Aiguille en fête J-7

Aiguille en fête D-7 Bientôt l’Aiguille en fête: cette année, j’ai un stand un peu [...]

Fimmvörðurháls cardigan

This week-end, I completed the cardigan version of my Fimmvörðurháls sweater with reindeer horns button and knitted [...]

In the Icelandic press…

Dans la presse islandaise My knitting tours and the Tourism Award I won were in [...]

In the German press: Stuttgarter Nachrichten

Dans la presse allemande: Stuttgarter Nachrichten There was an article about the Sonntag Aktuell Tourism [...]

In the French press: “Il était un fil…” Editions du Saxe

Dans la presse française: “Il était un fil…” aux éditions du Saxe This morning, I had the [...]

In the British press: Yarnwise magazine

Dans la presse anglaise: Yarnwise magazine Yarnwise is a knitting magazine I truly enjoy with an [...]

A week-end in… Stuttgart: Sonntag Aktuell Touristic Price Award

Un week-end à … Stuttgart: Sonntag Aktuell Prix du tourisme 2013 This week-end I was [...]

Postcards from our New Year’s Knitting tour

Cartes postales de notre Escapade du Nouvel An This week-end was the first knitting tour [...]

In the press: Útivera outdoor magazine

In latest Útivera, a quaternal Icelandic publication about great outddoors, Sally shares her experience when she [...]

Woolly wishes from Iceland!

Meilleurs voeux d’Islande! 2012 in numbers: – 46 new designs that, for most of them, I [...]

Issue 05: return to Iceland

Numéro 05: retour en Islande

A week-end in Iceland: by the seashore

En bord de mer I missed my Monday post but the light is magical and [...]

This weed-end, the sun rised up…

Ce week-end, le soleil s’est levé… Pictures taken between 10:30 and 11 AM Photos prises [...]

I’m moving again! – in the House of Icelandic Design, Food, Art & Music

Je déménage encore!  This week-end, I’ve been moving again! Not countries or houses but my [...]

A week-end in Iceland: ice-skating under the moonlight

Un week-en en Islande: patinage au clair de lune It’s 4PM and the Reykjavik’s pound [...]

A week-end in Iceland doing nothing

Un week-end Islande à ne rien faire Sometimes it’s good to do just nothing… and [...]

A week-end in Iceland: hiking and knitting with my girls

Un week-end en Islande: tricot-treck avec les filles Knitting and walking, not just in my [...]

Postcards from our Magical (and windy!) knitting tour

Cartes postales de notre voyage de tricot magique (et venteux!) This week-end was a storm [...]

A week-end in iceland: knitting super hero!

Un week-end en Islande: Super Héros du Tricot This week-end was the annual party at [...]

Knitting tours in Iceland 2013

Voyages de tricot 2013 Did you see that the program for the knitting tours 2013 [...]

Un week-end en Islande: Northern lights

Un week-end en Islande: aurores boréales Ce week-end il faisait froid et beau, le temps [...]

A week-end in Iceland: autumn colors

Un week-en en Islande: couleurs d’automne Autumn colors in my neighborghood, Vesturbaer in Reykjavik 101. Les [...]

A week-end in Iceland: knit and kitch

Un week-end en Islande: tricot kitch This week-end was the launch of a new knitting [...]

Gavstrik magazine: The Icelandic rose

Gavstrick magazine: La rose islandaise When the editor of the Danish knitting magazine Gavstrik asked me [...]

A week-end in Iceland: family knitting

Un week-end en Islande: tricot en famille It’s good to be a mum! C’est chouette [...]

A week-end in Iceland: sheep round-up (3) Thea’s birthday

Un week-end en Islande: tri des moutons (3) l’anniversaire de Théa Last week-end, we didn’t go [...]

Sheep round-up (2): 16 years ago!

Tri des moutons (2):  il y a 16 ans ! My very first round-up at [...]

Love, love, love

Talking about sheep… Love Story yarns in natural sheep colors… grey… brown… black…love! En parlant [...]