Tag Archives: Knitting patterns and kits

The Mosi family

Ever try to get your family to cooperate for a group shot?  Try getting everyone to [...]

Mosi, moss, mousse

  Here is Mosi, meaning moss in Icelandic, the first pattern from my Grýla Collection. [...]

Graine d’Hélène

Graine d’Hélène… the name of this pattern is a pun on the name of the [...]

Sólblóm and a confession to make

Sólblóm et une confession à faire As much as I love Icelandic wool and wear [...]

Eastern Elves Lights

Les Lumières des Elfes de Pâques New Special Eastern Kits for the Elves lights! Nouveaux [...]

One kit at a time!

Un kit à la fois! You were many to ask, so I finally took the [...]

Virginie’s Shawls

Les châles de Virginie She made her very first lace shawl last year in the Hiking [...]

Elves Lights: new pattern

Lumière des Elfes: nouveau modèle They were all wondering what I was knitting this summer [...]

Lopi Affection Icelandic sweater

Pull islandais Lopi Affection This new Icelandic sweater is part of the Issue 06 of [...]

Swatch: a free pattern and yarn for a sweater to win

Swatch (Echantillon) : un modèle gratuit et de la laine pour un pull à gagner [...]

Fimmvörðurháls cardigan

This week-end, I completed the cardigan version of my Fimmvörðurháls sweater with reindeer horns button and knitted [...]

It’s muddy!

C’est la gadoue! Not sure how it is overseas but in Europe it’s raining a [...]

Icelandic Spring but it’s raining Shawl and it’s muddy!

C’est le printemps mais il pleut et c’est la gadoue ! It”s spring but it’s [...]

Happy easter!

Joyeuses Pâques ! Have you ever wonder what all the Easter rabbits after easter? Those, [...]


Everything is violet for Henrietta: her mittens, her sweater and her scarf. Even her homemade coat in felted wool. [...]

J-2: Cécile

KIT Cécile: patron imprimé et laine, en exclusivité à l’Aiguille en fête Au fil du [...]


Back in time, a little sneak peek at my assistants during the photoshoot of the Winter collection, [...]

Til að fagna…

Vetrar tölublaðið er komið út! Einhver ykkar hafa kannski skoðað það á ensku eða frönsku, en [...]


Getting ready       Olivia se prépare pour son voyage à Paris où elle [...]

Knit Spirit

The Icelandic shawl in Cathare land seems to be Knit Spirit ‘s readers favorite pattern. This is at least [...]


MDR à lire tous vos commentaires: merci de vous prêter au jeu et de prendre [...]

The Indian summer is over!

L’été indien est fini! The Indian Summer is over, it’s cold again and I hope [...]

And they were four…

Et ils étaient quatre… …four little Olgur (the Icelandic plurial for Olga!). The fourth is [...]

Charming little kits

De charmants petits kits You may have noticed lately that the kits of Theodora and her friends for [...]


Le Drapeau (The Flag), mon modèle de drapeau britannique publié sur Knitonthenet, un magazine internet [...]