Tag Archives: theodora

The adventures of Theodóra, first episode: “Out of the pen”

Theodóra is a charming little knitted doll designed by Hélène Magnússon. Theodóra gets new pieces [...]


Getting ready       Olivia se prépare pour son voyage à Paris où elle [...]

Bon voyage Theodora: blog collectif!

Bon voyage Theodora: team blog! Sur les blogs on trouve déjà beaucoup d’adorables petites Theodora et [...]

Beware of the Icelandic Christmas cat!

Attention au chat islandais de Noël! Two special Christmas patterns just released at The Icelandic [...]

Lost and not found…

Perdu et pas retrouvé… Theodora‘s little tasseled cap is lost, again! …. so I’m knitted [...]

Tutorial: Disappearing loop cast-on

Tutorial: disappearing loop cast-on With a disappearing loop cast on, you can start a circular [...]