Icelandic Color Knitting: using Rose patterns

From  8,50

The book “Icelandic Knitting: using Rose patterns” (Search Press 2008) is the result of Hélène Magnússon’s research on floral patterned knitted insoles used in sheep and fish skin shoes in Iceland. Her goal is to preserve an old, unique Icelandic tradition that was being lost and try to give it a new life with modern patterns. It was first published in Icelandic in 2006, Rósaleppaprjón í nýu ljósi (Salka) and in English in 2007 ,Icelandic Color Knitting: rose-pattern knitting in a new light (Salka).

A French translation is also available: it is only a translation booklet with no charts or pictures and is useless without the English or Icelandic book.

Paperback, 23 x 23 cm, 160 pages
Be aware: different covers exist

For sale worldwide in Local Yarn Stores and online bookstores.

Errata are available for this book:
– errata for “Icelandic Color Knitting” (Salka 2007)
– errata for “Icelandic Knitting using Rose Patterns” (Search Press Ltd 2008)


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