Grýla Spring Shawl: not just for sheep and goats!



When you create your own yarn, of course you want to use it right away! The minute I got Grýla into my hands, the minute I had to cast on. I had no time to design something new with it, I had to start knitting right away!

My Icelandic Spring shawl was the perfect canvas to try the yarn and play with the colors. In order to make the best use of the 25 g skeins of Grýla, I chose to work with four colors and arrange them in such manner that each color uses about the same yardage. I knitted two: the blue-green one is my favourite, I use it all the time! The purple-pink one was a bit of a challenge because I knitted it entirely while walking during the Hiking and knitting tour with the Elves last summer: I  guess I have improved my lace skills considerably!

 I have updated the pattern with the new Grýla color combination. And since I was at it, I also added written instructions to the charted ones.If you have purchased the Icelandic Spring Shawl pattern PDF on my website or Ravelry, you don’t need to buy it again and should have gotten an update by now. Kits with Grýla are also available but of course you can make your very own color combinations.

And now let’s play with the colors of Grýla and join the growing group of Spring shawl serial knitters!

Icelandic Spring shawl Gryla blue

Icelandic Spring shawl Gryla blue

Icelandic Spring shawl Gryla purple





Icelandic Spring shawl Gryla blue

L1190810  Hiking and knitting with the Elves 2014 (14)

Icelandic Spring shawl Gryla blue

Icelandic Spring shawl Gryla purple