Last week, I participated for the first time in the Icelandic Knitting Days in Copenhaguen hosted at the Nordatlantens Brygge (North Atlantic House). That was a really fun and enjoyable week-end with Icelandic friends and designers. Here are some pictures (sorry for the poor quality…) with a few teasers for new patterns (very soon to be published!) using my lovely and soft Gilitrutt Tvíband: Danish knitters got the première!
I spotted a beautiful Icelandic Spring Shawl!
In the background, Charline’s beautifull illustrations.
Krístin Brynja stylish stand displaying Einrúm lopi + silk
Hespa plantdyed yarns
Amazing Roð fish skin buttons
Ljómalind handspun
Steinunn‘s lovely wee sweaters
Bara‘s amazing support cushions
Móakot beautiful sweaters