Tutorial: How to install a zipper on a lopi sweater

After steeking a lopi sweater to make a cardigan, we usually finish the edges with a crocheted edge before installing a zipper.

But first, before you even cut the sweater, or if you have already, letting the edges meet flat at the center, carefully measure the length the zipper must be.

If you can´t obtain a zipper of exact length, or don´t have the equipement to cut it to the required length, here is an easy way out. See video:

Then only crochet around the edge as shown in this tutorial.

Now for installing the zipper: start pinning the zipper to the sweater. First at each end, then in the middle, and so on. The crocheted edge is just below the teeth. See video:

Then sew in place with little back stitches. See video:


Finally, secure with whip stitches. See video:

And voilá!