Christmas knitting

Tricot de Noël Knitting is enjoying a huge revival and Knitting magazine offers all you [...]

Bon anniversaire Mélusine!

Happy birthday Mélusine! Mélusine tricote fête ses 3 ans et Tricoteuse d’Islande vous gâte pour [...]

A bientôt sur le salon Créations et savoir faire

Voici les gagnantes du tirage au sort: vite, vite envoyez-moi un mail avec votre nom [...]

Invitations au Salon Créations et savoir faire

10 invitations à gagner au Salon Créations et savoir faire! Pour participer au tirage au [...]

Lost and not found…

Perdu et pas retrouvé… Theodora‘s little tasseled cap is lost, again! …. so I’m knitted [...]


En islandais, on décline tout (quatre cas: nominatif, accusatif, génitif, datif), même les prénoms! C’est [...]

Nordic mitts

Moufles nordiques Some Norwegian judges came to visit the other day and gave my husband [...]

Le paradis des tricoteurs

Knitter’s Paradis Samedi, j’animais un sympathique atelier de jacquard islandais à Nantes, organisé par Laine-et-tricot, [...]

Album de voyage

Enfin un petit mot sur le voyage tricot dans le Nord de l’Islande avec Ysolda (dommage, [...]

Tout à gagner!

Enter to win If you have already signed up or if you just sign up [...]

Tutorial: Disappearing loop cast-on

Tutorial: disappearing loop cast-on With a disappearing loop cast on, you can start a circular [...]

Icelandic knitting – Tutorial: provisional cast on Hook

Petite leçon: montage provisoire There are many different ways to cast on stitches, such as [...]

It’s aliiiive!

Il est vivaaaaaant!!!! Who? What? But the so much expected Issue 01 of course! Here [...]

Ah lala lalala

Here we are, almost midnight, 16th of September… and Issue 01 is not happening… everything [...]


It was probably very unreasonnable to plan publishing first issue between the Wild North Ysolda [...]


The first issue has been wrapped but you’ll have to wait until 10th of September [...]


Working like crazy and still crazy about the Mac. Love the Photo Booth: so practical [...]

Packing up!

I’m leaving to Iceland tomorrow morning with all the family and I’m still packing, trying [...]

Happy summer

Joyeux été Gave up my old tower PC and got myself a MAC laptop: now [...]

The sea of love

Exactly what I needed to cool down a bit! It´s so hot here! Thanks Wren [...]

Catching up

Today in my postbox, the cute catalogue of the exhibition “Dialogue” in which I participate [...]

Loops in Iceland

Loops en Islande As promised, a few words about the Icelandic trip and the Loops, [...]

Back home

Retour d´Islande (comme le livre !) Finally back home after a great first knitting trip [...]

Un week-end à Paris

A week-end in Paris Un week-end parisien bien chaud au salon Kids and the City [...]

Trop facile!

Too easy ! Un autre petit aperçu de Brynja. Je vous en dirai et surtout [...]


Reposée… Back home, still a lot of work… I´ll tell you more about it very [...]

Tour des blogs 2

Et le tour des blogs continue avec une seconde étape chez Mélusine tricote. Pour participer [...]

Need some sleep

Besoin de dormir One week holiday ! Going south. I´m looking very much forward to [...]


Le Drapeau (The Flag), mon modèle de drapeau britannique publié sur Knitonthenet, un magazine internet [...]

Concours et dédicace

Book signing and give away Gagnez un exemplaire gratuit de Retour d´Islande en participant au [...]

Le tour des blogs

Ce n´est pas le tour de France, mais presque ! Mon livre de tricot fait [...]

How much is it worth?

Combien vaut-elle? Born with the collapse of the Icelandic financial system, the knitted Icelandic Crown [...]

Working week-end

Ween-end de travail A wonderful working week-end: I just show you pictures. I´ll tell you [...]

Wools of Europe

Laines d´Europe Today is the opening of the exhibition Wools of Europe at Bergerie Nationale [...]

Il est rentré ! It returned!

Retour d´Islande est sorti! Les illustrations sont magnifiques: je vous laisse admirer le beau travail [...]

Knitting and Crochet Blog week – Day 5: where

Where do you like to indulge in your craft? Is your favourite arm chair your [...]

Knitting and Crochet Blog week – Day 3

Knitting and Crochet Blog week – Day 3: Write about a knitter whose work (whether [...]


On French TV, the other day, there was the most hilarious compilation on how the [...]

Knitting and Crochet Blog week – Day 2

Semaine blog du tricot et du crochet – Jour 2 Knitting and Crochet Blog week, [...]

Knitting and Crochet Blog week – Day 1: starting out

Semaine blogo du tricot et du crochet – Jour 1: démarrage I´m taking part in [...]